mHUB Members Come Together to Rapidly Produce Face Shields for Northwestern

Over one weekend, mHUB staff and members began working on a prototype for face shields to respond to a request from Northwestern. The team had a working prototype within 2 hours – and pilots in hospital by Monday. A week later, the first shipment of 500 was in the hands of frontline healthcare workers at Northwestern and is producing at a rate of about 1,500/day now and can potentially scale up to 100,000 each week with manufacturing partners. mHUB is working with health systems to assess broader demand. The project team included Bill Fienup, Director of Innovation Services, mHUB; Alexander Chan, Founder, Bakspacer; David Mirkhaef, Prototyping Technician, mHUB; Mitch Muller, Founder at SquareOne Produce Development; Mihai Hogea, Co-Founder of Pepper Life, Inc.; and more than 20 assembly volunteers.


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