MHUB Develops face Shield Design

Frontline healthcare professionals are look at emergency Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 
solutions to keep up with the rising demand from COVID-19. Developed by the mHUB team and member entrepreneurs, this protective face shield provides a barrier protection to the facial area from splashes, spray sand spatter of body fluids. This face shield can be quickly manufactured and distributed to respond to immediate demands. 

designs available open Source 

Two designs are available open source for change makers, makers and manufacturers in regions across the U.S. 

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    Design 1: plastic Brow Band

    Product includes a polystyrene brow band, clear polyethylene (PETG) film shield and a polyester elastic headgear band. Download includes dxt files, product specs, and step-by-step assembly and packaging instructions.

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    Design 2: Foam Brow Band 

    Product includes an adhesive-backed foam brow band, clear polyethylene (PETG) film shield and a polyester elastic headgear band. Download includes dxt files, product specs, and step-by-step assembly and packaging instructions.



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